Tag Archives: Libertarian Party

Mike Gravel – Libertarian?


Former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel announced on Wednesday that he is folding his hapless campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination and running for the Libertarian Party nod instead.

Gravel’s cranky uncle demeanor enlivened some of the early Democratic candidate forums, but his shoestring campaign never made an impact.

“The fact is, the Democratic Party is no longer the party of FDR,” Gravel said in a letter to supporters. “It is a party that continues to sustain war, the military-industrial complex and imperialism — all of which I find anathema to my views.”

“I look forward to advancing my presidential candidacy within the Libertarian Party, which is considerably closer to my values, my foreign policy views and my domestic views,” he added.

I miss Gravel in the debates and I loved his Grandpa Simpson personae. He seemed like a good guy and if by some chance he gets the LP nomination, he might end up as a good protest vote for those of us who can’t stomach voting for Clinton or McCain.

But I’m wondering when the LP became the party that best represents FDR.

Oh, and I have to Gravel’s ‘Power to the People’ video up: